Accompany us as we take sustainable living to the next level.

Princess Catherine Pabellano Princess Catherine Pabellano

BillionBricks Net-Zero Homes as Models for Sustainable Living

BillionBricks' net zero homes serve as exemplary models for sustainable living, showcasing the integration of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environmentally conscious design to create resilient and eco-friendly homes.

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Princess Catherine Pabellano Princess Catherine Pabellano

BillionBricks Fosters Partnership With ENGIE Factory in Driving Net-Zero Communities

BillionBricks and ENGIE Factory, a global leader in energy transformation, have partnered to build net-zero communities in the Philippines. The partnership will see BillionBricks use its innovative building technologies to construct homes that are completely powered by solar energy. ENGIE will provide solar panels and other renewable energy infrastructure, as well as financing and technical support.

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Princess Catherine Pabellano Princess Catherine Pabellano

BillionBricks' Net Zero Homes: Providing a Solution to the Housing Crisis

A net zero home is a kind of housing that produces as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis, resulting in a net energy consumption of zero. BillionBricks’ net zero home is a modular housing unit that is designed to be affordable, energy-efficient, and resilient.

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