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A Closer Look at Carbon-Capturing Materials

Uncover the uses of carbon-capturing materials and their empowering role in cultivating sustainable architecture, fostering net-zero lifestyles, and healing our planet.

Every journey begins with the first step, and in our collective navigation towards sustainable living, carbon-capturing materials emerge as an empowering companion to guide us towards a prosperous, net-zero future. Abundant in nature and teeming with potential, these materials hold a key to counteracting climate change.

PHOTO: Cedric Verhelst / Dezeen

Carbon Capturing Materials: Restoring our Atmosphere

Carbon-capturing materials are a bridge between the natural world and sustainable architecture. They are able to sequester, or store, atmospheric carbon dioxide within themselves. These materials are more than just a concept; they are a tangible way to mitigate global climate change.

Examples of carbon-capturing materials include rapidly growing crops like hemp, switchgrass, and certain types of algae. These crops absorb carbon dioxide during their growth phase, helping to reduce the amount of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

A Symphony of Eco-friendly Materials: Spotlight on Hempcrete

Earth offers us a diverse palette of materials, each with its unique properties and potential. Standing tall among these is hempcrete, a mixture of hemp hurds and lime. It does not only contribute towards sustainable construction but also enriches our environment by purifying the air we breathe.

Surprisingly, hempcrete is also a sound-insulating and moisture-regulating construction superhero that has an uncanny ability to create a healthy indoor environment when incorporated in buildings. The growing trend of hempcrete buildings and centers in France is not only a beacon for sustainable architecture but also a driving force for thriving local economies.

Applications Transforming Industries: Carbon-Smart Examples

The magic of carbon-capturing materials unfolds through the process of carbon sequestration. These materials absorb carbon dioxide during their growing phase and continue to store it within their structure, offering us a way to reduce our carbon footprint effectively and efficiently. Herein lies the interweaving of scientific progress and nature’s wisdom.

From sturdy sustainable construction materials to delicate textiles, carbon-capturing materials find their roots in numerous industries. A testament to such interplay is Lendager Group’s Upcycle Studios, where waste is reborn as aesthetically pleasing and functional products in sustainable architecture, fostering a net-zero lifestyle.

Similarly, Massachusetts-based Ecovative Design uses mycelium (a part of fungi) to create alternatives to polystyrene and leather, transforming our approach towards packaging and fashion.

Economic Ripples: Weighing Costs and Benefits

Investing in sustainable construction materials can have a ripple effect on the economy. Their use can create jobs, stimulate local economies, and contribute to a financially sustainable future. These are important milestones on our journey to net-zero living.

For example, the revival of hemp production in Kentucky, U.S., has led to job creation and an economic boost while also addressing the growing demand for sustainable construction materials. This ripple effect paves the way for an economy that is not only robust but also respectful of our planet’s wellness.

The Role of Policies: Catalysts for Change

Policy support and regulatory frameworks serve as the backbone of this green transition. Countries like the UK and New Zealand have set high standards with policies that incentivize the use of carbon-capturing materials in construction. However, broadening these regulations can help us fully encapsulate the vast potential these materials hold in weaving a sustainable future.

The UK has established a strong framework for reducing carbon emissions, a critical aspect of which involves the construction sector. The Climate Change Act of 2008 is a cornerstone of this approach, mandating an 80% reduction in carbon emissions (from 1990 levels) by 2050. This target was later updated to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. 

The Act introduced carbon budgets, setting five-year statutory caps on total greenhouse gas emissions, with increasingly stringent targets. For example, the fifth carbon budget, set in 2016, aimed for a 57% reduction in annual emissions relative to 1990. A crucial aspect of meeting these targets involves reducing the carbon footprint of the construction sector, notably through the materials used and the construction process itself. 

The UK Green Building Council has highlighted that the built environment contributes to approximately 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint, with nearly half of this from the construction process.

New Zealand’s approach to reducing carbon emissions in construction focuses on practical guidance to assist government agencies and the construction sector. This guidance is part of the Procurement guide to reducing carbon emissions in building and construction, which aims to minimize emissions through procurement, particularly during the planning and design stages of a project. 

This initiative aligns with the goals of New Zealand’s Carbon Neutral Government Programme, which seeks to reduce carbon emissions and minimize waste. It also complements the aims of the Building for Climate Change programme (BfCC), which targets lowering emissions in the construction sector and preparing buildings for future climate change effects​.

Tomorrow’s Horizon: Inspiring Innovations and Scalability

As we strive towards the horizon of the future, the continuous evolution of technology promises advancements in carbon-capturing materials. Proactively scaling the use of these materials can help weave the very fabric of a sustainable and resilient world.

Consider Direct Air Capture (DAC), a technological solution being researched to enhance the capture and storage of carbon. Scaling such technologies and the use of naturally occurring carbon-capturing materials simultaneously can sow the seeds for a wholesome and sustainable future.

In the words of John Ruskin, “The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” So, let our toil towards embracing carbon-capturing materials and sustainable architecture transform us into earth-conscious custodians, leading fulfilled, net-zero lives.

Ally with Carbon Capturing Materials

With every breath we take, we’re given the opportunity to contribute positively to our world’s health. Next time you embark on a building or designing project, consider the benefits of sustainable construction materials. Become a beacon of change and inspire others to join in this empowering movement towards a net-zero lifestyle.

Our planet has been nurturing us for centuries. Thus, it’s time we return that embrace. I’m actively taking steps to contribute to this movement by disseminating information among those eager to adopt a net-zero lifestyle. 

For further information on how BillionBricks can benefit your community, get in touch with us at https://billionbricks.org/contact-us-ph

If you’re ready to dive deeper into sustainable construction materials, be sure to check out our other blog post, Top 5 Sustainable Materials for Net-Zero Homes. In this post, we discussed how sustainable materials for net-zero homes can play a vital role in achieving carbon neutrality by minimizing energy consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting resource efficiency.


  1. Mihrimah Ozkan and Radu Custelcean. The status and prospects of materials for carbon capture technologies. Retrieved from: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1883786#:~:text=Zeolites%2C%20silica%20gels%2C%20activated%20carbons,chemical%20adsorption%20(chemisorption)%20mechanisms.

  2. Jansson, C., Faiola, C., Wingler, A., Zhu, X., Kravchenko, A., De Graaff, M., Ogden, A. J., Handakumbura, P., Werner, C., & Beckles, D. M. Crops for carbon farming.  Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.636709

  3. Hempitecture. Hemp Lime  Building Systems. Retrieved from: https://www.hempitecture.com/hempcrete

  4. Heilmeyer, F.  In France, A Hempcrete Sports Center Demonstrates the Material’s Promise. Retrieved from: https://metropolismag.com/projects/hempcrete-sports-hall-france/

  5. Astbury, J., & Astbury, J. Lendager Group uses recycled materials to build 20 townhouses in Copenhagen. Retrieved from: https://www.dezeen.com/2019/04/16/upcycle-studios-townhouses-lendager-group-copenhagen-recycled-materials/

  6. Noè, F. Mycelium and its applications: from renewable packaging to plant-based meat. Retrieved from: https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2022/05/22/mycelium-ecovative/

  7. Matthew R. Rheingans Impact of the Tobacco Settlement on Kentucky: Is Industrial Hemp a Viable Alternative for the Commonwealth?. Retrieved from: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lFgcecuzJZ6VD9uucG36DkttutQL-al8CGtLRwY6opI/edit

  8. IEA. Direct Air Capture – Energy System. Retrieved from: https://www.iea.org/energy-system/carbon-capture-utilisation-and-storage/direct-air-capture

  9. John Ruskin. The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it. Retrieved from: https://www.scribbr.com/citation/generator/folders/2RBCaTyu4vCiRk4wAcKuI0/lists/3xOl3bzWCqz91wxabQjKFO/

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