Youth Responsibility in Environmental Sustainability

Young people have an important role to play in promoting environmental sustainability. Youth have a unique perspective that can help drive positive change in communities. From reducing waste and conserving resources to advocating for policies that protect our planet, youth can make a real difference in building a more sustainable future. Through their actions and leadership, young people can inspire others to take action and help create a more sustainable world.

Responsibility of the Youth in Environmental Sustainability

As we learn more about the impact of human activity on the environment, it’s becoming clear that we all have a responsibility to take care of our planet. And while grownups play a crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability, young people also have an important part to play.

One of the ways youth can contribute to sustainability is by reducing their waste. By using reusable water bottles, lunch boxes, and bags, young people can help cut down on the amount of plastic that ends up in our oceans and landfills. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, plastic pollution is a major problem in our oceans and can harm marine life.

Another way youth can promote environmental sustainability is by conserving resources. This means using less electricity and water in our homes, turning off lights and electronics when they’re not in use, and taking shorter showers. Just Energy reports that conserving energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

Youth can also use their voices to advocate for policies that protect the environment. This might mean writing letters to their elected officials, speaking up at community meetings, or joining environmental organizations that are working to create positive change. According to the Children’s Environmental Health Network, youth advocacy has played a key role in securing policies like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.

Youths Who Advocate Environmental Sustainability

There are many young people who are advocating for environmental sustainability and working to make a positive impact on the planet. Here are a few examples of sustainable leadership.

Greta Thunberg

Greta is a Swedish environmental activist who began striking from school in 2018 to protest inaction on climate change. She has since become a leading voice in the global movement for climate action.

Autumn Peltier

Autumn attended a ceremony at a reservation when she was just eight years old and she saw a sign warning that the water was toxic. The memory of that sign stayed with her since she had never experienced toxic water before. After six years, she began fighting for water conservation and indigenous water rights. She says she was inspired by her great aunt, Josephine Mandamin, an indigenous activist who walked the shores of all five Great Lakes to raise awareness for water conservation. In 2018, she spoke at the UN about the importance of water conservation and water access, explaining the sacred role water plays in her culture.

Mari Copeny

Mari is also known as “Little Miss Flint.” She might be small in stature, but definitely not in voice. She became popular in March 2016 when she wrote a letter to then-President Barack Obama about the Flint water crisis. Her words inspired Obama to fly to Flint himself, giving the crisis national attention. In 2017, she appeared in a video promoting the Peoples Climate March. Eventually, she started #WednesdaysForWater, raising awareness every Wednesday about places in need of clean water. 

Role of BillionBricks in Environmental Sustainability

Prasoon Kumar, CEO and co-founder of BillionBricks on TEDx Talk: Why the best minds are not solving the world’s biggest problems? Watch the full video here.

BillionBricks is a climate-tech venture that is focused on addressing the housing and climate crises around the world, which means our mission is closely tied to environmental sustainability.

BillionBricks promotes environmental sustainability through our advocacy. We aim to raise awareness about the connection between inadequate housing and environmental degradation and to promote the importance of sustainable housing solutions. 

BillionBricks also recognizes the significant role that climate change plays in exacerbating poverty and homelessness, particularly in vulnerable communities. To address this issue, we work to raise awareness about climate change and its impact on vulnerable populations to everyone, particularly the youth. BillionBricks’ initiative helps identify innovative solutions to address these challenges for the present generation and the next one.

You can email us at to know more about our projects.


  1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). Plastic in the ocean. Retrieved from

  2. Just Energy. (2021). Why is conserving energy important? Retrieved from

  3. Children’s Environmental Health Network. (n.d.). Energy, Climate, & Children’s Health. Retrieved from

  4. Time Magazine. (2019, December 11). Greta Thunberg: Time’s Person of the Year 2019. Time.

  5. CNN. (2019, September 29.) Greta Thunberg isn’t alone. Meet some other young activists who are leading the environmentalist fight. Retrieved from

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