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Bendable Concrete as an Alternative to Traditional Concrete

Unravel the transformative potential of bendable concrete in reshaping sustainable construction and propelling us towards a net-zero lifestyle.

PHOTO: University of Michigan

Traditionally, concrete is known for its strength and rigidity, qualities that have made it a primary building material for centuries. However, its vulnerability to cracking under tension has led to the inception of bendable concrete or Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC)

Engineered at the University of Michigan, this groundbreaking alternative to traditional concrete emerges as a force that garners remarkable environmental, economic, and architectural benefits.

Structural Advantages: A Strong Backbone for Tomorrow’s Architecture

Unlike conventional concrete, which can completely fail with a strain of only about 0.1%, the magnificence of bendable concrete lies in its ability to withstand strains of up to 3%, or 300 times that of conventional concrete. The incorporation of polymer-derived fibers augments the ductility of bendable concrete, adapting to external stresses more effectively and reducing the risk of sudden failure.

Its flexibility prevents cracks from propagating, thanks to the meticulous distribution of microfibers, approximately 200 times smaller in diameter than human hair. Driven by its unique clock-and-key microstructure, bendable concrete’s remarkable ability to resist bending and cracking makes it a resilient partner in sustainable construction projects.

Environmental & Economic Benefits: A Dual Boon of Savings and Sustainability

In terms of environmental and economic benefits, the recent construction material has a lower carbon footprint, which is due to the significant reduction in the utilization of Portland cement, typically replaced by industrial waste byproducts like fly ash. 

This ingenious material reduces carbon emissions by up to 50% compared to traditional concrete. Notably, the Global Cement and Concrete Association states that by 2030, CO2 emissions from the cement industry must be cut by a quarter, as agreed by various major producers. 

Indeed, the innovative process of carbon dioxide infusion in bendable concrete significantly lowers carbon emissions, thereby aligning with our vision of sustainable architecture. With the potential for reduced maintenance and repair costs, bendable concrete helps foster an economically responsible approach to construction.

Practical Applications: Envisioning a World Built with Compassion

Of course, bendable concrete has long been applied in various countries, and with that said, many can say that it is truly effective and efficient. Specifically, to showcase bendable concrete’s resilience and flexibility, a pedestrian bridge built with ECC in Tokyo elegantly demonstrates the harmonious marriage of sustainable construction materials and practical usability.

Aside from ECC’s widespread large-scale industrial applications like water infrastructure and underground construction, manufacturers have also incorporated the concrete to retrofit the 28-km Seisho Bypass viaduct along Japan’s eastern seaboard. Flexible concrete also made new high infrastructures more resilient during earthquakes.

Challenges and Future Prospects: Embracing Opportunities for Growth

Despite the significant advantages of ECC, it is more expensive than traditional concrete, primarily due to the cost of the polymer fibers. Scaling production and harnessing economies of scale could likely mitigate this challenge in the future.

The adoption of bendable concrete on a larger scale calls for continued and relentless investment in cutting-edge technologies and expanding collaboration across the realms of academia, industry, and policy-making.

In addition, identifying the optimal mix design for ECC requires extensive research and development to ensure consistency in performance and overcome existing challenges. Yet, these can give us opportunities to learn more and provide some solutions for the challenges of bendable concrete.

Illuminating the Path to Sustainable Construction

With its remarkable structural advantages, environmental and economic benefits, and innovative accomplishments in practical applications, bendable concrete undeniably stands as an uplifting catalyst for change. Embracing the revolution, ECC can empower the construction industry to transition effectively towards sustainable architecture and net-zero living.

The promising benefits of bendable concrete serve as an emerging solution for navigating our transition away from traditional building materials. It emits less carbon dioxide, helping us lead a net-zero lifestyle and making sustainability an inherent part of our built world. As an industry, we find ourselves at the gateway of transformation – from vision to lived experience, from theory to practice, from old to new.

Bend and Perfectly Achieve Bendable Concrete Revolution

As we strive together to find ways to make our world more sustainable, let’s explore the era of bendable concrete as a beacon for sustainable construction. I am confident that we can achieve true success in achieving sustainability by using alternative sustainable construction materials that reduce environmental impact, enhance structural integrity, and improve cost-efficiency in building projects.

Join us in this captivating and rewarding venture to leap towards a net-zero lifestyle and become a champion of change.

Co-create with BillionBricks! As we develop our next house model, we are open to your ideas and feedback, which we believe are essential to building a net-zero home that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. We will share our own ideas and insights and explore ways in which we can collaborate.

Contact us at: https://billionbricks.org/sign-up.

If you’re passionate about sustainable living and want to learn more, we recommend you dive into our article that’s filled with valuable insights. Take a look at The Future of Sustainable Construction: Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence


  1. Ikram F Al-Mulla,  Ammar S Al-Rihimy, and Maitham S Abd alameer. Properties of engineered cementitious composite concrete (bendable concrete) produced using Portland limestone cement. Retrieved from: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/671/1/012131/pdf#:~:text=Bendable%20concrete%2C%20also%20known%20as,strains%20of%203%25%20and%20higher.

  2. University of Michigan. Retrieved from: https://me.engin.umich.edu/news-events/news/bendable-concrete-other-co2-infused-cement-mixes-could-dramatically-cut-global/

  3. Ajin Prasad. New Bendable Concrete that is Stronger and More Durable. Retrieved from: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-bendable-concrete-stronger-more-durable-ajin-prasad#:~:text=It%20contains%20cement%2Csand%2C%20water,normal%20concrete%20but%20without%20fracturing.

  4. BECOSAN. Portland cement Retrieved from: https://www.becosan.com/portland-cement/

  5. Global Cement and Concrete Association. Retrieved from: https://gccassociation.org/

  6. Global Cement and Concrete Association. GLOBAL CEMENT AND CONCRETE INDUSTRY ANNOUNCES ROADMAP TO ACHIEVE GROUNDBREAKING ‘NET ZERO’ CO2 EMISSIONS BY 2050. Retrieved from: https://gccassociation.org/news/global-cement-and-concrete-industry-announces-roadmap-to-achieve-groundbreaking-net-zero-co2-emissions-by-2050/

  7. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Bendable concrete, with a design inspired by seashells, can make US infrastructure safer and more durable. Retrieved from: https://www.preventionweb.net/news/bendable-concrete-design-inspired-seashells-can-make-us-infrastructure-safer-and-more-durable

  8. Specify concrete. Bendable ConcreteIs It Possible?. Retrieved from: https://www.specifyconcrete.org/blog/bendable-concrete-is-it-possible#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20mass%20production%20was%20not,polyvinyl%20alcohol%20(PVA)%20fiber.

  9.  Han Fengxia, Liu Qing, Guo Xin, Niu Yanfeng. Optimized Design of Polyethylene Fiber-Engineered Cementitious Composite Mix Ratio Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Retrieved from: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amse/2022/7876056/

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