Toward Sustainability: 3 Famous Green Buildings in India

Green buildings in India are important in driving sustainable development by integrating energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy sources, and responsible resource management practices to minimize environmental impact.

Suzlon One Earth Global Corporate Headquarters / PHOTO: A. Ramprasad Naidu / ArchDaily

Green building is crucial for driving sustainability as it transforms the conventional approach to building design, construction, and operations. As we collectively face climate change, the significance of green building practices cannot be emphasized enough. Green buildings contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions through the integration of energy-efficient technologies, sustainable materials, and environmentally conscious design principles.

In recent years, the adoption of green building practices in India has gained significant momentum, reflecting a growing recognition of the need for sustainable development. By embracing green building initiatives, India can mitigate the environmental consequences of rapid urbanization, and reduce carbon emissions.

Suzlon One Earth in Pune: Where Sustainability and Innovation Converge

PHOTO: A. Ramprasad Naidu / ArchDaily

In the bustling city of Pune, India, stands a remarkable testament to sustainable architecture and green building practices – Suzlon One Earth. Designed to minimize its environmental impact and maximize energy efficiency, this iconic building has become a remarkable example of sustainable development.

Sustainable Architecture and Green Building Practices

Suzlon is committed to creating and maintaining a positive environment, both within and outside of its office premises. This commitment is exemplified by Suzlon One Earth. Spanning 10 acres, this campus is fully powered by renewable energy sources, including hybrid wind turbines, solar panels, and photovoltaic cells. 

Recognized for its sustainability efforts, Suzlon One Earth has achieved LEED Platinum and GRIHA 5-star certifications, solidifying its position as one of the world’s greenest corporate campuses. The campus is composed of five interconnected buildings, each named after elements of nature – Sun, Aqua, Sky, Tree, and SEA.

Environmentally Friendly and Cost-Effective

Suzlon One Earth employs various sustainable practices to further its environmental goals. These include rainwater harvesting, on-site waste conversion, and an innovative “Office in Garden” design that optimizes the use of natural daylight. These practices have not only reduced operating costs by an impressive 35%, but they have also allowed Suzlon to invest more in cutting-edge technology, ultimately benefiting its customers.

Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad: A Model for Sustainable Aviation

Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, India, stands as a good example of sustainability and environmental stewardship within the aviation industry. From its inception, the airport has been designed and operated with a strong focus on green building practices, making it one of the leading sustainable airports in the world. 

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

It has received the ‘Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design’ (LEED) certification for its unique design.

Rajiv Gandhi International Airport has made substantial investments in energy-efficient technologies to minimize its carbon footprint. The airport employs energy-efficient lighting systems, intelligent sensors for lighting and air conditioning control, and efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

The airport has taken significant steps towards renewable energy integration. It features one of the largest solar power plants among airports globally, generating a substantial portion of its energy needs through clean, renewable solar power.

Water Conservation

Recognizing the importance of responsible water management, Rajiv Gandhi International Airport has implemented innovative water conservation strategies. The airport has rainwater harvesting systems in place, enabling the collection and storage of rainwater for various purposes such as landscaping and toilet flushing.

Infosys in Mysore: A Model for Sustainable Design

Completed in March 2011, Infosys is situated within the Infosys Limited Special Economic Zone in Mysore. It has been meticulously designed to embody a comprehensive approach to sustainability across five crucial areas: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. 

Water Savings and Energy Efficiency

The implementation of efficient plumbing fixtures has resulted in an impressive 58% reduction in overall water consumption, with only recycled water utilized for irrigation purposes. The building exceeds global standards, being 40% more efficient, thereby potentially saving approximately 800,000 kilograms of carbon emissions. 

Furthermore, the building employs efficient equipment and intelligent automation, leading to a commendable 40% reduction in energy costs. Leveraging natural light, 90% of the office space is illuminated by daylight, minimizing the reliance on artificial lighting during daytime hours. 

Indoor Environmental Quality

To create a visually comfortable environment, the building utilizes light-colored surfaces and ceilings, reducing contrast and alleviating eye strain, resulting in less fatigue among employees. Notably, the building meets 100% of its energy consumption through green power sources. Infosys has been awarded the LEED Platinum rating by Indian Green Building Council.

Green Building in the Advocacy for Sustainability

Green building is important in the advocacy for global sustainability as it encompasses a holistic approach to constructing and operating buildings that minimize environmental impact and promote resource efficiency. India’s famous green buildings take significant steps by integrating energy-efficient technologies, sustainable materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient water and waste management systems, significantly reducing carbon emissions in the face of urbanization.

Billionbricks supports the advocacy for sustainability. We integrate renewable energy and efficient water management practices in our net-zero homes and communities.

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  1. Suzlon. (n.d.). Suzlon One Earth. Retrieved from

  2. Clean India Journal. (2019). Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Green to Silver to Gold. Retrieved from

  3. Infosys. (2012). Infosys Limited Mysore Building Awarded Highest LEED Rating. Retrieved from

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